Triumvirate structures and networks

The Trust has made significant investments in managerial and clinical leadership and has moved to a network model aligned to Integrated Care Partnerships in addition to specialist and corporate networks. The triumvirate model offers additional support and leadership at a network level, with the senior leadership teams being closer to the teams delivering services. In this way we can transform our services to meet the changing needs of our patients, service users and their carers.

The Bay

Alison Napier - Medical Director

Amanda Housley - Director of Operations

Clare Benson - Director of Nursing and Quality

Ailson Napier

Central and West

Manoj Rajagopal - Medical Director

Laura Walsh - Director of Operations

Rebekah Roshan - Director of Nursing and Quality


Chukwuma Oraegbunam - Medical Director

Pauline Cullen - Director of Operations

Laura Holt - Director of Nursing and Quality


Dr Prashant Kukkadapu - Medical Director

Amy Devine - Director of Operations

Joanne Schofield - Director of Nursing and Quality


Dr Abhishek Goli - Medical Director

Andy Williams - Director of Operations

Jacquie Shenton - Interim Director of Nursing and Quality