If you need urgent help as you are in mental health distress, then there is always someone you can call.

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust provide 24-hour access to mental health care, advice, support, and treatment. If you need mental health care, advice or support please view and download information about accessing mental health services in your local area below.

SignVideo - British Sign Language (BSL)

If you are part of the deaf community living and need to access our mental health services whether for urgent or routine care, the support of a BSL interpreter is available here and they will help you to communicate with our call handlers or mental health practitioners.

Self help guides

We have a range of free self help guides which cover various common mental health issues available to access in our online library.

Explore the self help guides here

You can also access these on your phone by downloading the LSCft - Self Help app.

Download the self help app on the Google Play Store (Android devices)

Download the self help app on the App Store (Apple devices)

Self help apps

We have partnered with ORCHA to bring you a library of approved and tested apps to monitor, manage and improve your health and wellbeing.

With the widespread ownership of smartphones and tablets, and the ever-increasing use of apps for anything from tracking jogging routes and providing dinner recipes, right through to monitoring heart rhythms, there is a real opportunity for apps to effectively support you in managing health conditions or your general wellbeing.

Unfortunately, with over 360,000 health apps in the most common app stores (Google Play, Apple etc) and with many not having any level of quality assurance, it can be incredibly difficult to find one that's appropriate, trustworthy and effective.

Our partner ORCHA has formed a team of people, including actively practicing clinicians, to independently review and accredit health apps against a large number of stringent criteria in areas such as clinical/professional assurance, data and privacy, and usability and accessability; giving each app an easy to understand percentage score which will help people decide whether to download it or not.

Healthy Young Minds

The Healthy Young Minds website offers advice, guidance and support related to children and young people's mental health and emotional wellbeing.