Two of our senior nurses have been given awards by Chief Nursing Officer for England, Dame Ruth May in an emotional online event.

The national Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) and Chief Midwifery Officer (CMidO) Awards recognise the significant and outstanding contribution made by julieanne and chris 6.jpgnurses and midwives in England.

Julie Anne Murray (pictured to the left with chief executive, Chris Oliver) received her CNO Gold Award on the day she retired from her position as the Interim Chief Nurse and Quality Officer at LSCft, after 35 years working in nursing roles in the NHS. Julie Anne was awarded to recognise her continued care, expertise, professionalism and commitment to patients and the nursing profession during her long career.

Julie Anne said:

“I am so honoured to win this award. To have been able to support the development of the nursing profession and help create nurse leaders of the future is something I am really passionate about. Being able to care for people during difficult times in their lives has been an absolute privilege.”

Consultant nurse Lindiwe Fynn (pictured below), who has 21 years’ service in the NHS, was awarded the CNO Silver Award by Dame Ruth.

lindiwee.jpgLindiwe was nominated for her strong clinical leadership to a range of services within the Forensic Community Service and epitomises the values, knowledge and experiences needed to role model to junior team members; coaching people to become the very best nurse possible. Lindiwe has experienced challenges during her time in the NHS and has worked to combat racism.

A tearful Lindiwe said:

“I am so humbled, honoured and thankful. I am grateful to have worked in the NHS for the last 21 years and work every day with such amazing people.”

Dame Ruth May added:

“I was thrilled to be able to give a personal thank you to Julie Anne and Lindiwe. Julie Anne has done amazing work in helping to develop others and under her leadership the Trust was awarded the Nursing Times UK Nurse Employer of the Year – a fantastic achievement.

Lindiwe has also achieved so much in supporting her colleagues in forensic services, and she has delivered incredible work to help combat racism and create an inclusive workplace.”

Oliver Soriano, who has taken over from Julie Anne as Chief Nurse Officer at LSCft, continued:

“I am so proud of Lindiwe and thrilled for Julie Anne, particularly receiving this award on her final day in the NHS.

These awards recognise exceptional nurses and for two people to receive them in one day is really special. I look forward to further developing the nursing profession at LSCft as I start my new role as Chief Nurse Officer.”

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