The Forensic Community Mental Health Team (FCMHT) is a community based specialist mental health team, providing care designed to support and supervise service users who have a diagnosis of severe mental disorder with a risk to others who have previously received inpatient treatment at low, medium, or high security settings. The FCMHT provides an accessible, responsive and adaptable service, prioritising the needs of service users with complex needs, to maintain the safety of service users, families, carers and the general public.

The team is a multi-disciplinary team made up of nurses, social workers, doctors, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists and support workers. The team functions on a seven days a week, 24 hours a day basis, with an on-call out of hours services throughout the evening, weekend and public holidays

How to access the service

Referrals come to the FCMHT from within Guild Lodge, or externally for Lancashire patients, when it is envisaged that a service user on a particular ward is approaching discharge in approximately 6 months. Once accepted, a forensic mental health practitioner, social worker and responsible clinician are identified for that individual, to get to know the service user, plan and oversee the gradual transition from in-patient to community living.