Useful resources and information about personality disorders.

Information on borderline personality disorder

  • Borderline personality disorder - Explains borderline personality disorder (BPD), including possible causes and how you can access treatment and support. Includes tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family. Information provided by Mind BPD CentralRoyal College of Psychiatrists - This information is for anyone who has been given a diagnosis of personality disorder and for their family and friends.

Carers information

Local Lancashire support

Skills and self help


The following books and one book chapter were written primarily for families and friends of people with a diagnosis of BPD or those in closely related circumstances.

  • Dobbs B (2008 When hope is not enough: a how-to guide for living with someone with a borderline personality disorder 
  • Fruzzetti A.E. (2006) Hi conflict couple: a dialectical behaviour therapy guide to finding peace, intimacy and validation. Oakland, New Harbinger
  • Harvey P and Penzo J.A. (2009) Parenting a child who has intense emotions: dialectical behaviour therapy skills to help your child regulate emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviours. Oakland, New Harbinger
  • Kreger R (2008) The essential family/friends guide to borderline personality disorder. Center City: Hazelden
  • Penney D and Woodward P (2005) Family perspectives on borderline personality disorder, Chapter 7 In Gunderson J.G. and Hoffman P.D. (eds) Understanding and treating borderline disorder: a guide for professionals and families. Washington D.C. American Psychiatric Publishing 117-130
  • Porr V (2010) Overcoming borderline personality disorder: a family guide for healing and change. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • The following four books are written more for professionals and/or consumers, do have small sections specifically for families:
  • Bockian N.R, Porr V and Villagran N.E. (2002) New hope for people with borderline personality disorder, New York, Three Rivers Press
  • Friedel R.O. (2004) Borderline Personality Disorder demystified: an essential guide for understanding and living with BPD. New York, Marlowe
  • Gunderson J.G. and Hoffman P.D. (eds) (2005) Understanding and treating borderline personality disorder: a guide for professionals and families. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Publishing
  • Krawitz R and Jackson W (2008) Borderline personality disorder: the facts. Oxford, Oxford University Press